Success Stories

Mountain Family Center / Granby, CO

Certified Healthy Workplace™

Why is the health and safety of your employees important to you? 
The health and safety of our employees are paramount. MFC's work can be very emotionally tied to individuals and families who are experiencing hardships within their households. MFC employees can experience secondary trauma from daily interaction with high need and high-risk households. By ensuring that our team is well cared for at work, we can hopefully reduce the side effects of secondary trauma.

What does your workplace health and safety program look like? Do you offer both components to employees?
For health:  MFC makes sure that staff members take breaks, eat healthy, stay hydrated, have proper ergonomic desks. PTO days are offered to employees as mental health days.
For safety:  MFC evaluates work place risks on a monthly basis and staff meetings focus on safety issues, local police force held a safety training in the office to address dangerous persons and basic self-defense.
All employees are included.

How will you/do you know your program is successful?
MFC counts fewer sick days. Staff interact positively with one another and stressors are reduced.

What obstacles did you have to overcome to get your program started? How did you overcome them?
Health Links was our cheerleader to help us outline a program that addressed the immediate needs of our team. Together we mapped out programs, work habits, office amenities and work station needs. With a small grant, we were able to quickly roll out a plan and get healthy!

Does your health and safety program help give back to your community?
In turn, yes. Keeping our team at their healthiest equals a motivated, energetic work force. MFC serves just over 2,000 people a year.

What tip/advice would you give to a business that is considering starting a workplace health and safety program?
It is a solid investment. When your employees know that you care about them and strive to do for them, as well as those you serve, it's a win win!

Could we provide other Health Links businesses with your contact information if they are interested in connecting and sharing ideas? 