Food@Work Module

What we eat impacts our health, well-being, and how we perform as employees. Healthy eating can lead to increased productivity at work, decreased absence due to sick days, reduced risk for chronic illness, and improved overall well-being. Our Food@Work Survey is an online tool to help employers assess and improve the food and beverages offered to employees in the workplace, leading to a healthier workforce.

What It Is

Our module includes a survey, report card, customized recommendations, advising sessions, and a toolkit aimed at using evidence-based practices to improve healthy eating and active living at your workplace.


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What Is Included


The Food@Work Survey is a tool that organizations can use to assess and improve the food they offer employees based on the Food Service Guidelines for Federal Facilities from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The survey includes questions that cover five benchmarks:

  • Health Promotion: How does your organization support employee health and well-being
  • Prepared Foods: What is the nutritional composition of the prepared foods your organization offers
  • Packaged Snacks: What types of packaged snacks does your organization offer?
  • Beverages: What types of beverages does your organization offer?
  • Food Safety: What measures does your organization take to ensure food safety?

Report Card

Once you complete the survey, you will receive immediate feedback in the form of an online report card highlighting your score in each benchmark and providing evidence-based recommendations.


After you review the Food@Work recommendations and resources, you will be paired with one of our expert advisors who will walk you through the next steps and collaborate with you to build a customized action plan for your organization.


The Healthy Eating Resource Center provides additional tools to help you and your team understand and promote healthy eating at the workplace.

The Food Service Guidelines for Federal Facilities were written to improve access to healthier foods and beverages in federal facilities. They are a set of best practices to increase healthy and safe food options and a model set of guidelines that can be used in any workplace setting.

How It Works

All Health Links® members can take the module at any time from their dashboards. To take the module:

  1. Get started by enrolling in Health Links at any level
  2. Login to your Dashboard
  3. Select the Food@Work Module under the Modules section of Your Dashboard


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Our Partners

This project is supported by a grant from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.