Success Stories

Shaeffer Hyde Construction / Avon, CO

Kick-Start Healthy Workplace

Health Links (HL): Why did your business decide to become a Health Links Certified Healthy Business?

Shaeffer Hyde Construction (SHC): We decided to become a Health Links Certified Healthy Business to help increase our employee knowledge on the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle, and to be aware of safety on the job sites and hazards in the construction industry. 

HL: What benefits did the Certification bring to your business?

SHC: The Certification brought increased awareness to our employees, notoriety in our community for our efforts, and grants to help fund health and safety within our company. 

HL: How has this Certification changed the way your business thinks about health promotion and safety?

SHC: This Certification has increased awareness in promoting a healthy lifestyle in our employees. By receiving grants, our employees have been reimbursed for lifestyle changes, such as gym memberships, new work boots, or bicycle accessories. 

HL: How has your employee health and safety program given back to your community?

SHC: We have encouraged our employees to ride bikes to work to reduce our carbon footprint in our community. We have also been involved in bike trail clean-up days to help our community enjoy the biking trails. We have participated in a Habitat for Humanity buid day where we brought our knowledge of safety to sites.